170 research outputs found

    Gravity theory in SAP-geometry

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    The aim of the present paper is to construct a field theory in the context of absolute parallelism (Teleparallel) geometry under the assumption that the canonical connection is semi-symmetric. The field equations are formulated using a suitable Lagrangian first proposed by Mikhail and Wanas. The mathematical and physical consequences arising from the obtained field equations are investigated.Comment: 14 pages, References added and a reference updated, minor correction

    Nano-scale TG-FinFET: Simulation and Analysis

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    Transistor has been designed and fabricated in the same way since its invention more than four decades ago enabling exponential shrinking in the channel length. However, hitting fundamental limits imposed the need for introducing disruptive technology to take over. FinFET - 3-D transistor - has been emerged as the first successor to MOSFET to continue the technology scaling roadmap. In this thesis, scaling of nano-meter FinFET has been investigated on both the device and circuit levels. The studies, primarily, consider FinFET in its tri-gate (TG) structure. On the device level, first, the main TCAD models used in simulating electron transport are benchmarked against the most accurate results on the semi-classical level using Monte Carlo techniques. Different models and modifications are investigated in a trial to extend one of the conventional models to the nano-scale simulations. Second, a numerical study for scaling TG-FinFET according to the most recent International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors is carried out by means of quantum corrected 3-D Monte Carlo simulations in the ballistic and quasi-ballistic regimes, to assess its ultimate performance and scaling behavior for the next generations. Ballisticity ratio (BR) is extracted and discussed over different channel lengths. The electron velocity along the channel is analyzed showing the physical significance of the off-equilibrium transport with scaling the channel length. On the circuit level, first, the impact of FinFET scaling on basic circuit blocks is investigated based on the PTM models. 256-bit (6T) SRAM is evaluated for channel lengths of 20nm down to 7nm showing the scaling trends of basic performance metrics. In addition, the impact of VT variations on the delay, power, and stability is reported considering die-to-die variations. Second, we move to another peer-technology which is 28nm FD-SOI as a comparative study, keeping the SRAM cell as the test block, more advanced study is carried out considering the cell‘s stability and the evolution from dynamic to static metrics

    Evolution Of Special Ruled Surfaces Via The Evolution Of Their Directrices In Euclidean 3-Space E3

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    In this paper, evolutions of ruled surfaces that are generated by the normal and binormal vector fields of space curve (normal and binormal surfaces) are presented. These evolutions of the ruled surfaces depend on the evolutions of their directrices. Geometric visualization of these ruled surfaces are presented. In addition, the conditions which make these surfaces of types inextensible, developable and minimal are obtained

    دور حمزة آغا منطور في انتفاضة الشيخ عبيدالله النهري1880-1881

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    تتناول هذه الدراسة دور حمزة آغا منطور في انتفاضة الشيخ عبيدالله النهري بين سنوات 1880-1881، اذ كانت  سياسة الحكومة الإيرانية التي كانت تنتهجها في المناطق الكوردية، وبالأخص في سابلاغ مكريان، سبباً لإنضمام حمزة آغا الى انتفاضة الشيخ عبيدالله النهري، اذ كانت سياستهم تنص على فرض ضرائب كبيرة على العشائر والآغاوات الكورد هناك، ومن ضمن هؤلاء حاولت هذه الحكومة بفرض تلك الضرائب على حمزة آغا وعشيرته، الا انه وقف ضدهم، وكانت هذه السياسة نفسها في السابق سبباً لايصال الاضرار الى حمزة آغا وعشيرته، واصبحت سبباً للوقوف ضدهم، ومن ثم اصبحت سبباً لسجنه لمدة طويلة، ولم يكن امام حمزة آغا في هذه المرة الا الانضمام الى الشيخ عبيدالله النهري، لكي لا تتكرر تلك الأحداث مرة اخرى معه، وان يصبح جزءاً من اول انتفاضة قومية بين الكورد للحصول على حقوقهم القومية، حيث كان حمزة آغا على علم بتحركاته واجتماعاته بشأن القيام بانتفاضة ضد الحكومتين العثمانية- القاجارية، أرسل اليه ما حل بهم من اوضاع، وبالتالي ارسل الشيخ عبيدالله النجدات لمساعدته، وقام الشيخ عبيدالله بتعيينه برتبة قائد القوات لتلك الجبهة التي كانت قد اوكلت قيادتها لحمزة آغا ولأبنه الشيخ عبدالقادر، وبالفعل إستطاعوا السيطرة على معظم المناطق الكوردية، وذلك بالخطط التي كان يضعها للسيطرة عليها، وإستمرت إنتصاراتهم الى حد انه بقي القليل للوصول الى مقر ولي العهد في تبريز، ولكن بعد ارسال افواج كبيرة من الجيش من قبل الشاهـ وولي عهده لصدهم هناك، وايضاً بسبب ما حدث من خيانة في جبهتهم من قبل الزعماء ورؤساء العشائر التي كانوا فيها، ولغيرها من اسباب إنسحبوا من تلك المناطق الى الحدود العثمانية، وقد رافقهم عدد كبير من اهالي تلك المناطق الذين كانوا قد ايدوهم خلال هذه الانتفاضة، وذلك بسبب خوفهم من تسلط الحكومة الإيرانية ضدهم

    Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of women in the reproductive age towards prenatal screening for congenital malformations, Alexandria-Egypt

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    Background: The study was conducted to explore the Egyptian women’s attitudes toward the prenatal screening (PNS) for congenital malformations and termination of pregnancy if medically indicated and assessing their knowledge and beliefs regarding prenatal screening.Methods: A total of 351 Egyptian women in the reproductive age giving birth to at least one child completed a structured questionnaire to assess their knowledge of prenatal diagnosis and their willingness to undergo prenatal screening as well as their opinions on termination of pregnancy if medically indicated. Women's beliefs were also assessed.Results: More than half of studied women (52.71%) are lacking knowledge about the availability of the accurate tests for prenatal screening of congenital malformations. After giving information about PNS, more than three quarters (77.5%) of the studied women held positive attitudes toward the prenatal screening for congenital malformations. The other one quarter was either refusing or not sure about their opinion (4.6% and 17.9% respectively). Only 58.7% accepting termination of pregnancy if medically indicated. Positive attitude towards PNS was significantly higher among females with older age (P=0.019) as well as those of higher social class as indicated by higher level of education (p=0.026), urban residency (p=0.046) and working women (p=0.005). Perceived seriousness of congenital malformations and believing in the importance of early detection of such condition were the significant motives to undergo PNS.Conclusions: There is marked lack of knowledge about the prenatal screening tests among the studied women. After giving information about PNS, most of them shows a positive attitude towards carrying out these tests and about half of them reported their acceptance for termination of pregnancy if medically indicated based on prenatal diagnosis of sever congenital malformations. Emphasis national needs for health education programs about PNS importance and development of well-structured national program for PNS

    A Variational Boundary Element Formulation for Shear-Deformable Plate Bending Problems

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    This paper presents the derivation of a new boundary element formulation for plate bending problems. The Reissner's plate bending theory is employed. Unlike the conventional direct or indirect formulations, the proposed integral equation is based on minimizing the relevant energy functional. In doing so, variational methods are used. A collocation based series, similar to the one used in the indirect discrete boundary element method (BEM), is used to remove domain integrals. Hence, a fully boundary integral equation is formulated. The main advantage of the proposed formulation is production of a symmetric stiffness matrix similar to that obtained in the finite element method. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and the validity of the proposed formulation

    Experimental and Numerical Studies on Flexural Behavior of GGBS-Based Geopolymer Ferrocement Beams

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    The ferrocement structural concept has been shown to offer exceptional mechanical properties in terms of toughness, fracture control, and impact resistance, which are achieved by tight spacing and homogeneous reinforcement dispersion within the matrix. The flexure behavior of geopolymer ferrocement beams under axial flexural stress is being explored experimentally and computationally in this present work. Under flexural loads, nine samples of geopolymer ferrocement beams 150 mm thick, 75 mm wide, and 1700 mm long were tested to failure. The reinforcing steel bars and wire meshes, as well as the quantity of wire mesh layers, were the key factors studied. The initial crack load, ultimate failure load, and mid-span deflection with various loading phases, cracking patterns, energy absorption, and ductility index were all studied in relation to the behavior. In terms of carrying capacity, absorbing energy, and ductility, welded steel wire mesh beams fared better than other materials. Using ANSYS-19 software, nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA) was carried out to demonstrate the behavior of composite ferrocement geopolymer beams. The ensuing experimental and numerical data demonstrated that the degree of experimental value estimation supplied by the FE simulations was sufficient. It is crucial to demonstrate that, in comparison to control specimens, the increase in strength of specimens reinforced with tensar meshes was reduced by around 15%. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-03-010 Full Text: PD